Monday, February 29, 2016

I can't believe we're bidding February farewell!

Math: We spent some time looking over tests to see if we could identify any errors and worked on making corrections.  Moving on to fractions now.

Writing: Continuing on with the narrative and your author should be writing the adventure taking place in the country they traveled to. Ask about the facts that will be included. Be sure to inquire about what makes a narrative entertaining. 

Personal Safety: We wrapped up our discussions on how to stay safe. Have your child tell you the important rules we talked about.

Look at these kids flying through cones! Wow, nicely done Parker, Braxton, Ben, Bailey and Malia!

Feels like spring has sprung some days! Enjoying a self-manager's celebrations outside!

These two actors are bantering lines from Snow White!

Thanks to all my fourth graders for their fine performances in Snow White! We had so much fun!

This week's one to answer: What do writers need to include in an introduction?

Friday, February 19, 2016

Another busy week has come to a close!

Math: Thanks to Miss Pecka for creating a Super Bowl review for us to brush up on multiplication and division. Fourth graders need to know factors, multiples, and prime and composite numbers.  We have learned multiple strategies for solving multiplication with 2 two-digit numbers as well as multiplication with a factor to the thousands place and a single digit factor. Division to the thousands place with a single digit divisor is the target. It's test time! We began today and will do some more next week. 

Reading: Interesting selections about famous inventors is what we've been reading. Be sure to ask your reader to share what we learned about Thomas Edison and Benjamin Franklin. In small groups we read more about Edison and some readers will have facts to share about Alexander Graham Bell. Our target has been to look for clues for the author's perspective in the stories. Vocabulary words we've focused on are: mischief, dizzy, independence, hilarious, nowadays, and the idiom "come in handy." 

 All set to begin our narrative introduction next week. Combining sentences using prepositional phrases and adverbs was a target this week as well as writing a summary for the selection "He Made the World Brighter."

Moving on up! YAY!!!

Valentines Day in fourth grade was AWESOME! 
Minute-to-Win-it Challenges

Speaking of hearts....Jump Rope for Heart starts today!

And this week's one to answer...What does it mean as a reader to think about the author's perspective?

Friday, February 5, 2016

It's Friday, Feb. 5th!

Hands-on experience for scientists with a plasma ball! Ask about electricity and see what your scientist can tell you.

Mathematicians solved division problems during a review scavenger hunt!

This week's one to answer: List all the factors for the product 24. Write them down on a piece of paper. Name it, claim it, and put it in the basket.  You may be the next winner!